The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

FMSC Hunger Bulletin | June 2024

FMSC Hunger Bulletin | June 2024

Each meal you pack, fund and pray over equips FMSC partners to do transformative work around the world. Hunger relief is usually just part of what our partners do — but food is the foundation for so much more.

The refugee crisis is a hunger crisis

Worldwide, the population of forcibly displaced people is estimated to be over 117 million. Nearly half of them are children — many born as refugees.

Hunger is both a driving cause and effect of rising refugee numbers. As of 2022, the World Food Programme reported 70% of the world's refugee population lived in countries or territories affected by severe food insecurity.

FMSC partners work among some of the largest refugee crises in the world, inside the most critical hunger hotspots.

Uganda | Africa

Ugandan children standing in line

Total refugee population: 1,611,732

More than 1.6 million refugees reside in Uganda — a staggering number to a country that has a total population.of 47.2 million. Refuge-seekers arrive daily, with most coming from South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia and Burundi.

Ongoing conflict and crises in nearby countries have sent refugee totals skyrocketing, significantly straining existing resources.

In the Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement, FMSC partner Feed the Hungry uses MannaPack® meals to feed more than 27,000 children every day.

FMSC food supports our partners’ work in Uganda, including:

  • Education
  • Grassroots community entrepreneurism
  • Women's empowerment programs

Featured partners: Feed the Hungry, African Children Today


Ukraine | Europe

A Ukrainian family

Total displaced population: Nearly 11 million

After more than two years of ongoing full-scale war, nearly 11 million Ukranians have been displaced from their homes. More than 5 million are displaced within Ukraine and an estimated 6 million have fled to other countries.

Though it was formerly known as the breadbasket of Europe, the UN now estimates that one in five families in Ukraine is hungry.

The onset of war in Ukraine sparked a massive food crisis, triggering critical hunger. As our partners work to assist — in Ukraine as well as neighboring countries receiving refugees — they’ve repeatedly said that food is the most immediate need.

FMSC food supports our partners’ work in Uganda, including:

  • Transition shelters for refugees
  • Clothing and other essentials for families who have left their homes quickly
  • Pastoral training and spiritual outreach

Featured partners: Mission Eurasia, World Help


162.7 million meals shipped so far in 2024 (January–May)

That's enough to feed 445,948 kids a daily meal for a full year!

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