The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

Katie Koranda

Katie Koranda

Senior Content Specialist

As the Senior Content Specialist at Feed My Starving Children, Katie leads content strategy for FMSC. She has a master’s degree in journalism from Columbia College Chicago and has worked for news media in Chicago and the Twin Cities. She is passionate about telling stories of hope in an effort to feed more kids.


Your Christmas Shopping Changed the World

Your Christmas Shopping Changed the World

Sales and donations from holiday season purchases this year will provide more than 7 million meals for children around the world.

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Volunteer Opportunity: Pack 4 Million Meals in the Twin Cities

Volunteer Opportunity: Pack 4 Million Meals in the Twin Cities

This winter, we have three special meal-packing events taking place in the Twin Cities.

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Ringing in the New Year with a Wedding that Feeds Kids

Ringing in the New Year with a Wedding that Feeds Kids

“This is a meal packaging warehouse, and you might think a wedding taking place makes this a holy place,” The Rev. Juneau said. “But this is already a holy place for [God’s] heart cares for the poor.”

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Thank You for Making a Difference in 2018!

Thank You for Making a Difference in 2018!

We couldn't do ANY of this without you: Our partners, donors and volunteers. Here's to 2019. We can't wait to see God move through you. Let's feed some kids.

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8 Stories of Hope from 2018

8 Stories of Hope from 2018

This year has been all about how hope is greater than our circumstances, and we hope you've been encouraged by this theme as we brought you story after story of how hope is greater than war, poverty and hunger.

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