The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

From the Field

Lauza's Beautiful Transformation

Lauza's Beautiful Transformation

You’re a part of Lauza’s story. All this is possible as a direct result of your generosity.

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Cyclone Update: Hope is Greater Because of You

Cyclone Update: Hope is Greater Because of You

We are in this for the long haul. We know that our partners on the ground in Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe will need continued support. And we know that because of you we can provide it.

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Honoring a Fearless Woman and Selfless Servant

Honoring a Fearless Woman and Selfless Servant

“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done.” Proverbs 19:17

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Cyclone Idai: 'Our Brothers and Sisters are Starving'

Cyclone Idai: 'Our Brothers and Sisters are Starving'

We can’t do this without you. Please take action today. With each meal costing less than a quarter, your financial contribution makes a huge difference.

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FMSC Food Partners Respond After Cyclone Idai

FMSC Food Partners Respond After Cyclone Idai

Please pray for our partners on the ground as they respond and that all aid efforts will be successful despite flooding and cut off roads.

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