The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

From the Field

In eSwatini: Hope is > Isolation

In eSwatini: Hope is > Isolation

Thank you for sharing with those in need and showing them hope is > isolation.

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In Haiti: An Ode to School Cooks

In Haiti: An Ode to School Cooks

“The most important thing for us is when we see children’s lives changed.”

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Hope is Greater in Uganda: When Plan A Turns to Plan B

Hope is Greater in Uganda: When Plan A Turns to Plan B

You’ve heard me say numerous times, “You better have a Plan B and C when working in the places we work.”

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Hope is Greater in East Africa

Hope is Greater in East Africa

The church in East Africa, where millions of people like Sarah and Jani are suffering from severe food insecurity as a result of civil war, knows what it means to follow Christ.

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In Jeremie: 'Hope is Being Restored'

In Jeremie: 'Hope is Being Restored'

You may remember that Jeremie was nearly destroyed by Hurricane Matthew in late 2016.

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