The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

From the Field

FMSC Hunger Bulletin | September 2023

FMSC Hunger Bulletin | September 2023

This month we’re highlighting the Global Hunger Index (GHI). The GHI assesses and ranks countries’ hunger levels based on factors like undernourishment, child wasting, child stunting and child mortality.

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[VIDEO] “She was holding up a small empty can”

[VIDEO] “She was holding up a small empty can”

When Rebecca arrived at a food distribution in South Sudan, she carried a tin can.

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FMSC Hunger Bulletin | August 2023

FMSC Hunger Bulletin | August 2023

No single measure can encapsulate the full experience of a community, but they each bring specific insights.

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FMSC Hunger Bulletin | July 2023

FMSC Hunger Bulletin | July 2023

In sensitive countries, humanitarian aid is fragile. Critical, lifesaving work like food distribution is often the only reason that local officials will allow FMSC distribution partners to continue their ministry.

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“Hope … in the toughest places on earth”

“Hope … in the toughest places on earth”

We can’t show you Hafsa’s face. We can’t even tell you the country where she lives. And, to tell you the truth, her name isn’t actually Hafsa.

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