The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

From the Field

In Honduras: A Father's Love

In Honduras: A Father's Love

Marco Antonio has four children ages three to 10. He provides for them by selling popcorn at bus stops.

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Through Her Eyes

Through Her Eyes

This is not a real-life situation, but it’s from the perspective of a mother who could very easily be in a very similar situation in one of the countries that receives FMSC meals.

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In the Dominican Republic: More than Food

In the Dominican Republic: More than Food

While so much progress is being made in Batey 106 and through our CROPPS initiatives, I was hit with the fresh reality that there is still so much work to be done in this country and around the world.

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God's Compassionate Heart for Refugees

God's Compassionate Heart for Refugees

Syria’s civil war has been called the worst humanitarian crisis of our time.

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Nicaragua: God at Work

Nicaragua: God at Work

11-year-old Luisa’s mother was losing heart. Her daughter didn’t like going to school and wasn’t obeying.

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