The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit


'Every Child has a Story'

'Every Child has a Story'

Every child has a name. Every child has a story. Every child matters.

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Thank You, Twin Cities!

Thank You, Twin Cities!

Thousands of you showed up to MobilePack™ events across the Twin Cities in January and February to pack close to 8 million meals!

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'Anything is Possible'

'Anything is Possible'

Antonio Dowels rolled into the South Florida MobilePack™ in a wheelchair and set a sack full of cash on the table. He had heard about the 5.4-million meal event and raised close to $300.

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Thank You, Frisco!

Thank You, Frisco!

It is so amazing to see how God is working to feed His children!

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Thank You, Miami!

Thank You, Miami!

Because of you, 13,761 kids will be fed for an entire year!

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