The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

News and Updates

FMSC and Food Distribution Partners Learn how to 'Ascend'

FMSC and Food Distribution Partners Learn how to 'Ascend'

Once a year, many of these partners travel from around the world to gather with FMSC staff, all in an effort to feed more kids.

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Thank You for Making a Difference in 2018!

Thank You for Making a Difference in 2018!

We couldn't do ANY of this without you: Our partners, donors and volunteers. Here's to 2019. We can't wait to see God move through you. Let's feed some kids.

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How to Make Volunteering a Priority in 2019

How to Make Volunteering a Priority in 2019

Whether your goal is to pack once a week or once a year, we hope Duane’s story encourages you to start somewhere.

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8 Stories of Hope from 2018

8 Stories of Hope from 2018

This year has been all about how hope is greater than our circumstances, and we hope you've been encouraged by this theme as we brought you story after story of how hope is greater than war, poverty and hunger.

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The Story of 2018

The Story of 2018

What you do makes a difference. We need you more than ever as conflicts and natural disasters continue to wreak havoc in the lives of children around the world.

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