The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

From the Field

One Boy, Two Trips to Haiti and a Call from God

One Boy, Two Trips to Haiti and a Call from God

“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” John 14:18

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A Safe Place to Eat, Play and Learn About Jesus

A Safe Place to Eat, Play and Learn About Jesus

The compound is part of Hope 4 Kids International, one of Feed My Starving Children’s partners in Uganda.

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You Made the Greatest Difference

You Made the Greatest Difference

Because of your love, support and action to fund and pack FMSC meals, this is possible.

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In Haiti: Daily School Meals Improve Grades

In Haiti: Daily School Meals Improve Grades

After serving the morning meal, teachers reported more attentive students and a better school atmosphere.

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More Than Food

More Than Food

FMSC is about more than just meals.

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