The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

From the Field

Until All are Fed

Until All are Fed

After more than 25 trips to Haiti, there are not too many surprises. I enjoy seeing so many missionaries who have become dear friends.

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Fatherhood is a Faint Shadow

Fatherhood is a Faint Shadow

One of the greatest privileges of my life is that two little children know me as “Daddy

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Reaching the 'Least of These'

Reaching the 'Least of These'

FMSC receives a significant number of food requests from very small ministries that have little to no resources and cannot handle an entire shipment of food.

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Saving Lives in Eastern Ukraine

Saving Lives in Eastern Ukraine

Feed My Starving Children meals have reached the hungry in eastern Ukraine.

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A Food Crisis Emerges in West Africa

A Food Crisis Emerges in West Africa

“The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.” – Psalm 9:9

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