The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

From the Field

MannaPack Potato-D and a Children's Hospital in El Salvador

MannaPack Potato-D and a Children's Hospital in El Salvador

Food is one way hospital staff control Paola’s symptoms, which is all that can be done for Werdnig-Hoffman – a disease with no cure.

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The Power of Food: 'I Felt Free for the First Time'

The Power of Food: 'I Felt Free for the First Time'

Feed My Starving’s mission is to feed God’s starving children hungry in body and spirit. For the next few months, we’re going to highlight how powerful food can be in spiritual and physical health.

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In Iraq: Safe but Without a Home

In Iraq: Safe but Without a Home

FMSC meals reach families in Iraq.

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In Uganda: Cousins Thrive

In Uganda: Cousins Thrive

Angura has grown strong and healthy since Smile Africa began feeding her MannaPack Rice for lunch six days a week.

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In Nicaragua: Dancing and Empowerment

In Nicaragua: Dancing and Empowerment

This Convoy of Hope initiative brings educational programs to schools and communities in Nicaragua.

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