The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

From the Field

In Nicaragua: The First Thousand Days

In Nicaragua: The First Thousand Days

ORPHANetwork designed Club Pregnant to wipe out malnutrition before the largely irreversible damage it can cause in the crucial time between conception and two years.

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Team Cambodia: 'What Hope Looks Like'

Team Cambodia: 'What Hope Looks Like'

An FMSC partner in Cambodia recently sent a team of students to an international robotics competition.

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In Haiti: Every Last Meal

In Haiti: Every Last Meal

These meals are needed and they represent LIFE. And every. last. one matters.

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The Power of Food: Microloans in Haiti

The Power of Food: Microloans in Haiti

For the next few months we’re going to be talking about how FMSC meals empower people to build communities.

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In Nicaragua: Gregorio's Network

In Nicaragua: Gregorio's Network

FMSC meals meet a spectrum of needs around the world from children begging for food in the streets to families who just need a little help between harvests.

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