The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

From the Field

No Borders: FMSC Meals Reach Kosovo

No Borders: FMSC Meals Reach Kosovo

This post is part of a series about Feed My Starving Children meals reaching hard to reach places.

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In Guatemala: FMSC Meals Provide Nutrition

In Guatemala: FMSC Meals Provide Nutrition

Thank you for packing meals that can provide families in Guatemala with nutrition and hope.

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Update: Food Sent to Puerto Rico, Others After Recent Disasters

Update: Food Sent to Puerto Rico, Others After Recent Disasters

FMSC meals being shipped in response to Hurricanes Irma and Maria and Mexico earthquakes

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Who Are the Adults?

Who Are the Adults?

This story is the first in a series that highlights the caring network of adults in children's lives.

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No Borders: Myanmar

No Borders: Myanmar

A container of life-saving MannaPack meals is being directly shipped to Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, for the first time ever.

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